FULL MOON, total lunar eclipse, blessings everyone… The Moon is in Taurus, 16 degrees 01’, November 8th, 3:02 am, conjunct Uranus and lunar north node, opposing Sun, Mercury, Venus, south node all in Scorpio, and square Saturn in Aquarius, 18 degrees 49’.
“I have seen where the wolf has slept by the silver stream
I can tell by the mark he left, you were in his dream
Ah child of countless trees
Ah child of boundless seas
What you are, and what you’re meant to be”
This is a complex lunar time, when sudden awareness can come in a flash. There can certainly be upsets; expect the unexpected. But the high road is to use wisdom by seeing into WHY people act the way they do, the truth behind their shadows and insecurities, rather than participating in their psychological bullshit.
Seeing below the Scorpionic watery surface helps us to heal, to see our own selves better, and to move on. It strengthens us. But the key is not to let “foolish hearts” and souls get to you. Observe it and use it instead.
The world is hurting. And this lunar eclipse comes at a time when lots of outbursts, along with stubborn, selfish acts, are evident. It makes us stronger to observe the petty power games around us. Stepping aside and disengaging brings a sense a peace and calm into our own lives.
With a Taurus Full Moon, seek what grounds you, the creature comforts that help you find peace and a sense of stability. Listen to music that soothes your soul, bake a yummy bunch of warm chocolate chip cookies, or do what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku, a little forest bathing on a favorite trail.
If this eclipse is impacting your chart, let go of old patterns, habits of behavior that no longer serve you or us (the collective). As Mars moves retrograde in Gemini also now, be your own inner shrink, listen to the dialog in your head. Sometimes we say to ourselves “I should do this” or “I should do that” or “why doesn’t this person…blah, blah, blah” – you fill in the narrative - when in truth we benefit from a flexibility of mind. Realize things can be different. The low road is to fester in old, stuck attitudes because of fear or resistance to change.
Eclipses can usher in significant changes roughly six months before and six months after, if mid degrees of fixed signs – especially Taurus or Scorpio – are prominent in your natal chart. Look to see what houses (or angles) and what natal planets (if any) are located there. Here you need to release what is just begging to be let go…and then “up your game” with fresh perspectives and a higher manifestation. Use your will to bring it all about or, by synchronicity, it just may happen anyway. Why not be a game changer?
If we are stuck playing out the dramas and karmic habit of our past, we don’t have the creative energy we need to push us ahead, to innovate and be the kind of vanguard for change the collective needs.
Last year, in 2021, we had multiple exact squares between the planets Saturn and Uranus. This fall, the square occurred again at later degrees. This Full Moon is a big trigger of this square! Uranus in Taurus can lead to sudden upsets, when it comes to our basic resources. The last time the planet was in the sign of the bull was during the Great Depression and the Second World War. The current moment is a time to take stock of and be grateful for what we have, and reflect upon what is it we truly need, so we can support a collective shift to create a more sustainable future. The sad reality is too many people are resistant to change, fear what they can’t control.
Think about all you already processed last year under these squares. Who is the genuine, authentic you? Move ahead and don’t look back.
If the skies are clear and you find yourself awake very early morn’, the eclipse will be visible in North America, as well as in Asia and Australia and across the Pacific. Enjoy! Try to ride the wave…we are all in this together.