New Moon in Pisces 2022 — Writings on Astrology — Cara Evolutionary Astrology

New Moon in Pisces 2022

New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter: Time to Hope for a Better Future, a Healing for Our Planet

Wishing everyone a great NEW MOON, 12 degrees 07’ Pisces, conjunct Jupiter, March 2nd, 9:34 am Pacific time. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, because of his role in the recent film, “Don’t Look Up,” and the film’s Academy Award nomination. It is funny to think back to DiCaprio’s second “Jupiter Return” in 1998 – when Jupiter returned to its natal position in Pisces in his chart. “Titanic” had just won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It was such a high time in the actor’s young life and, if I recall, he certainly jumped in with passion and Jupiterian gusto! Speed forward now to 2022, Jupiter is again in Pisces and Leonardo’s 6th house of service and Jupiter has just recently returned a fourth time to conjunct the actor’s natal Jupiter.


But what does DiCaprio’s natal chart have to do with the current New Moon? I believe it gives us “food for thought,” or maybe perhaps a prayer, for a higher road of compassion under this New Moon. Let me try to explain.


We all know a New Moon is a time when we can think about or meditate upon what we want to make unfold in the month ahead.  Set the stage to make things happen so to speak. It is easy to talk about Jupiter now as Mr. Opportunity; about expanding and thinking “BIG,” jumping into life and taking a chance. Jupiter loves being in Pisces. And here we have a New Moon blessing our actions and dreams! Or it is also easy to point out the low roads possible ahead of escapism, delusion, lack of boundaries, lack of motivation or too much confidence. Look to see where the New Moon and Jupiter by transit fall in your own chart.


But then there is Neptune, also in Pisces now, its favored sign too. Neptune can be about letting go, about seeking a new vision, about feeling compassion, touching the collective and making necessary sacrifices of our own ego drives and desires. Hmmm…How interesting to think again about Leonardo and his 6th house Piscean Jupiter. He could have chosen a different path recently; he could have chosen another “Titanic,” another flight into fantasy. I don’t know if you are a “Leonardo fan,” or if you even saw his latest role in the new film. In all humility, I don’t know if ”Don’t Look Up” will win. In fact, I doubt it will earn the Academy Award, for reasons I don’t wish to venture into here. But I admire DiCaprio’s compassionate concern for the state of our planet, his willingness to risk achieving his own personal recognition with the hope of getting us to “look up.” To grow in consciousness, to want to make a collective difference.


 I think maybe, just maybe, a good use of this New Moon time might be to take a similar direction. Let’s be real. With the latest UN report about the environment, we are all up a creek without a paddle. It is hard to watch communities “down under” hit by massive flooding, people in Madagascar struggling with cyclone upon cyclone upon cyclone, and Ukrainians displaced by a lying power-hungry Plutocrat. It is really easy to escape and claim there really isn’t anything to be done at this point. What does it all matter in 10,000 years? But maybe that’s just it. Maybe with the New Moon and Jupiter, it is about being just one small part of a collective movement for change? Maybe we have an opportunity now to think about or to hope with compassion: What personal sacrifices do I need to reassess and that might make a difference?