“One does not become enlightened by imaging figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”
“You know it’s gonna get stranger...so let’s get on with the show ”
This is my first day back to the writing desk since the terrible CZU fire hit our local community and forest. I wish, with all my heart, that everyone receives the grace and hope they need to face the ongoing challenges, and to have the strength and optimism to rebuild anew in this trying time!
October begins with a Harvest Full Moon in Aries, 9˚08’at 2:05 PM, on the 1st. Most notable is the conjunction the Moon makes with Chiron, the “wounded healer,” at 7˚04’ Aries, retrograde. Chiron, a minor planet, also called a ‘centaur object,’ orbits between Saturn and Uranus, occasionally moving inside Saturn's orbit and at other times getting a little farther out in space than where Uranus lies when the planet is as close to the Sun as it can get. Now with Chiron in Aries, we are collectively wrestling with who we are authentically and how do we define our individual rights and roles within the larger collective, a larger humanity attempting to shift in consciousness.
Most, I believe, want to build a better sustainable culture and save our planet. With Chiron now located close to Uranus and away from conservative, patriarchal Saturn, we have a chance to finally heal and create revolution.
Chiron by transit (moving in the current sky) is in early Aries throughout 2020, and when combined, as in this case, with a Full Moon, we are asked to bring to fruition some self-awareness of where we need to take the initiative, assert our own power and claim our own needs. Most importantly, we need to have courage, be willing to take a risk and be the warrior. Look to see where roughly 5˚ to 11˚ Aries falls in your birthchart.
Meanwhile, Venus moves into Virgo beginning on the afternoon of October 2nd . Key is not to be too overly critical of ourselves, as well as our relationships with others and the part we play in those relationships. We may continually raise the bar to perfect our work to ever higher standards. Building upon the New Moon in Virgo back in mid-September, now is the time to push ourselves with our partners to make our projects and dreams solid and real.
Mars continues to move retrograde in late Aries, conjunct Eris, planet of discord, at 24˚. Mars is in a tight square again to Saturn and Pluto, loosely to Jupiter. This square follows an initial square, made back in the third week of August, to Saturn, when Mars was moving direct. We all remember how difficult late August was. The planet has been in orb (close in degree) from mid-August and this lasts through mid- October, so we face a rough time in general, with tension and conflict in the air.
On October 9th, retrograde Mars in Aries will form an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn (second exact square of three – first was mid-August, last will be in late December, 2020). When the Sun opposes Mars, October 13th, the planet will also be closest to the Earth and fun to find in the night sky as Mars will appear big, bright and red.
The fiery red planet represents our will, our abilities to take action and to protect and fight. In Aries, it is a call for us to have courage, assert our rights and make sure our needs are respected and heard. Mars won’t go direct until November 13th, after the Presidential election.
This is also a powerful time to reflect upon the subconscious ways we behave. These ways may become more visible, bubble to surface of our consciousness and offer us insight. On a personal level, we need patience. Power struggles or frustration may be the result of what we are trying to bring up – can I say bodily expel? - in order to face the shadow, let go and move on.
Why is it we react the way we do? What really is behind the anger, the resentment, the fear? And what about the principles we hold true? Are they more about the expectations we have, our childhood or karmic wounds, or are they truly worth a fight?
October 13th, Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 11˚40’ Scorpio at 6:04 PM PDT, moving retrograde until November 3rd. More of the same Scorpionic themes of what needs to be dredged up, processed and purged will involve turning inward and reflecting upon our darkest shadows.
October 16th is a New Moon in Libra, 12:31 PM 23˚54’, just a few hours after the Moon first opposes Mars, then squares Pluto. Just after the New Moon, the Moon forms a square to Saturn. Mid-month is a perfect time to reassess how we bring beauty, art, music, pleasure and balance into our lives as we restructure our almost post-Covid reality. What relationships bring me calm, relaxation and the peace of mind I need?
In orb throughout October, Jupiter in Capricorn forms a sextile to Neptune, retrograde, in Pisces, 18˚45’exact very early morning on October 12th. This sextile is a time to reimagine where we might go, how to make a new beginning. A rare moment to dream and seek a vision!
Jupiter in a sextile to Neptune. Time to Dream.
By month’s end, early evening of October 27th, Mercury, still retrograde, and Venus both enter Libra, again stressing the harmony and peace we desire at the New Moon. Then, on the weekend of El Dia de Los Muertos, on Halloween itself, another Full Moon, early morning, 7:49 am in Taurus 8˚38’, will tightly conjunct Uranus. There may be some sudden upsets in what we thought we were building, what we thought we held dear! Expect yet another upheaval. Perhaps best to see this time as a reconnection to what we really need to feel secure, stable, and at peace with ourselves and our world.
Wishing everyone a GREAT Halloween!
Halloween Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus