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Presidential Debate, September 29th, 2020
I was talking with a good friend – a fellow evolutionary astrologer – last night, following the previous night’s nightmare Presidential debate. I mentioned in passing the popular Hollywood film, “The King’s Speech”, when commenting upon Joe Biden’s obvious frustration over the obstacles to getting his words out on stage. King George VI, “Bertie,” you may recall, had a very difficult time working through an awful stutter, what in his birthchart is reflected, in part, by a Sagittarius 2nd house Mercury opposing his Neptune in Gemini, 8th.
King George VI
Now comparing the two charts of King George VI and Joe Biden is like comparing APPLES and ORANGES. The two men are VERY different and I have no intention of listing all the details of their respective birthcharts.
But, hear me out…there may just be something worth keeping in mind, and also perhaps of practical use, to what I wish to share here.
You see both men have planets in a square (90˚ aspect) to the nodes of the Moon and both involve the planet Mercury, communication and speech among other things. The south node brings us information about what a soul is bringing into this lifetime and what they are wrestling with, behaviors they tend to repeat, and ones they need to recognize and hopefully move beyond. The north node is the remedy; how we work to heal the past.
With King George’s south node in Virgo, its ruler is Mercury, while his Mars is in a tight square to his nodes, both planets in Sagittarius, 2nd house, suggesting Bertie felt trapped by his own words (square by south node ruler), causing him difficult blockage and a loss of self-confidence (2nd house) in fighting and presenting his views (Mars). King George’s chart has Jupiter, north node co-ruler, in Leo near the midheaven, the most public part of his chart; despite these challenges, he had the potential in this lifetime to shine as “King”, his soul’s intention was also to let go and heal his most inner self (his north node is in Pisces, 4th house, Neptune 8th).
Nodes of the Moon
Now VP Biden, on the other hand, has north node, what he is trying to reach in this lifetime, in Leo, ruled by the Sun, in his 9th house, with Chiron, the “wounded healer,” conjunct at 28˚ 53’ Leo. He’s here to heal his ability to take the stage in presenting his views and changing the current cultural and societal paradigms (9th h) we are facing now as a nation. In order to heal, he must grapple with his Scorpio, 12th house Sun along with Mercury, in a loose square to his nodes, Sun and Venus in a tight square. He is up against, in many ways, his own abilities to speak about the dark realities we so need to transform and face as we “rebirth” our country. These are Scorpionic truths of manmade destruction of our climate and planet, our need for radical lifestyle changes, along with fighting racism and white supremacy. For some, these are taboo, painful subjects, ones deeply embedded in the shadow work of America.
I don’t mean for this to be a political post. Obviously, in the case of the debate, the lack of any respect for rules or proper protocol on the part of the current President was the main issue. But I did notice that Joe stuttered at one point on stage. Then the day after, I heard him stutter again during a campaign speech.
“Vote!” That was the key point VP Joe Biden managed to deliver. Yes, let’s hope we all do. But maybe, too, just maybe, we need to help Joe be heard, to be that wounded healer – How can we give him a better voice?