HAPPY NEW MOON to you! A Total Solar ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS, at 23˚08’, on Monday, December 14th, at 8:16 am PST.
The Maya have a glyph they use to represent “divination” – the practice of trying to see God and God’s works. It looks like a hand clutching a fish. If you think about it, it works pretty well. One can’t quite grasp “God” (with a capital “G”) like a slippery fish; the more your claim you have God in your understanding, the more God slips away.
Mayan glyph for “eclipse,” note serpent swallowing the Sun
The sign Sagittarius is like that. If you freeze your mind, close your fist and your heart, in your self-righteousness and arrogance, you’ll only feel a little bit of that fish and it will escape you. You’ll limit your world and what your soul can do. But if you cradle that fish, and let it breathe, you can reach into higher realms of understanding. You can seek adventure and find what lies beyond. Expand into Divination with a capital “D”. Or at least experience life in a fuller, more multifaceted way.
Now Sagittarius doesn’t always signify the desire to seek higher knowledge, wisdom and God. And the sign Pisces may more adequately reflect mystical arts, such as divination. There’s a wonderfully exuberant, festive, fun-loving and fiery side of Sagittarius, too. Jupiter, of course, rules the sign! But being held up in your own overly confident ego, attitudes and beliefs, refusing to accept alternative possibilities, is like clutching the fish to hard.
Take Donald Trump, born on a lunar eclipse, his Moon at 21˚ Sagittarius. The current total solar eclipse is conjunct the out-going President’s natal Moon, within two degrees. Most folks know about the ancient Mesopotamian use of the eclipse as a sign of “the fall of a king.” Donald, do us all a favor and let go of the fish.
IMHO, to seize opportunity, to embody the centaur archer’s faith, you need to have more than a fiery gumption; you need flexibility of spirit, mind and heart.
Look to see where this New Moon eclipse falls in your own birthchart. Here you might see a hand and a fish. Have wisdom enough to soften your hand, have confidence in what you can do, but also open your heart and your mind, and try to see things differently. Shoot an arrow to the stars, learn a new dance, experience a different way of being, and try to see a little further.
A total solar eclipse is most noticeable as a time of growth and change when it hits a key degree or location in your birthchart. Watch roughly six months before and six months after.
Wishing you the best!