New Moon in Sagittarius 2021 — Writings on Astrology — Cara Evolutionary Astrology

New Moon in Sagittarius 2021

New Moon in "Sadge": A Total Solar Eclipse!

BEST WISHES to everyone on the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and NEW MOON In Sagittarius! It is at 12 degrees 22’, December 3rd, 11:43 PM Pacific time (This eclipse happens December 4th for some folks around the world…). For my hometown friends in California, we won’t be able to see this eclipse, but it is a powerful one for some. Consider where 12 degrees “Sadge” falls in your own birthchart for guidance.

As the Sun is covered by the Moon, our emotions, our passions hold sway. It is time to lead from the heart! Sagittarius, ruled by expansive and opportunistic Jupiter, sets the stage for us. How might we expand our dreams, our beliefs and our ways of seeing our cosmic dance? Can we shoot a centaur’s arrow to new paradigms, new hopes? But part of this New Moon also requires some caution, some wisdom, some care. What can we really do to make a difference? What can we accomplish? 

I can’t help thinking this New Moon ties into two upcoming astrological phenomena:  this past year’s square of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will be exact again December 23rd for the last time and then, several months later, the big conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces occurs, April, 2022. All year, we have been pondering what is it we truly value? How can we create a world that is ecologically sound (a radical and fresh response to Uranus in Taurus) while we continue to live with the hardships, Saturn, of an ongoing pandemic that never seems to end? How can we build upon a humanitarian vision, one that reaches people through our Aquarian technological age in ways that are just and equitable and safe for our planet?  


Perhaps under this New Moon in Sagittarius, where the rational Sun’s rays are eclipsed, we are asked to turn to our hearts, not our minds, in assessing what has shifted in our core values and principles under the Covid pandemic. How has Saturn asked us to mature into these changes? We need Saturn’s wisdom to be disciplined, to be practical. And we sorely need Jupiter’s hope.

Once we roll into 2022, we feel collectively Jupiter’s optimism and faith, along with Neptune’s compassion, both so strong in Pisces then. The universe is asking us to set intentions now, in December, to plant prayers from our hearts under this New Moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

Again, this eclipse is most meaningful for those whose charts it directly impacts. But we can all cultivate a spirit of hope and grace…just my two cents...Hell, don’t we all need it?  Have a great New Moon everyone!