March begins in Pisces season with a New Moon at 20°17’ in the sign of the fishes on March 10th at 1:00 am Pacific time. The Sun and Moon create a supportive aspect to the revolutionary and rebel planet Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is asking us to question our values and wake up to what it is we may need to enhance our lives, calm us down and bring peace and beauty. The Navajo have an expression, “hozhq,” to heal and restore oneself by creating balance, “To walk in beauty.” This New Moon time helps us visualize what changes are possible to be in that state of comfort and ease. What needs to shift? The week before, in early March, both Venus and then Mars in Aquarius square Uranus, helping us to see the authentic way forward, even if it may be a bit freaky or unconventional. Where do I need space from others or cultural expectations as I walk in beauty, “truckin’ in style” in my own unique way?
St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, promises to be emotional and sensitive, when the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces at 27°22’. Neptune in Pisces likes escape and with the Sun triggering the mystical planet, watch out for the low road of too much drink and too much revelry. A pint may be in order in the spirit of St. Pat, but be aware more may seem tempting! Neptune feeds our imagination, too, so think of this time as “a paddle for your paper canoe”! Meanwhile the Moon on St Patty’s Day is in Cancer and forms a lovely trine to Venus in Pisces early evening. A wonderful celestial moment for feeling the music, connecting with old friends and, for those who are of Irish descent, celebrating one’s clan and heritage.
Mercury will move retrograde next month, but we prepare now as the planet of communication and perception, in mid Aries, enters its “shadow period,” the evening of March 18th. The shadow is the time when quick-moving Mercury travels over degrees it will move again during its backward dance in April. With Mercury in the sign of the ram, contemplate where do I need to have courage with my ideas and projects? Where do I need to take the initiate and put myself first? Make these your inner mantras for the rest of March.
March 19th, Sun enters Aries, tempered by Mars going into Pisces, March 22nd. We still have quite a bit of Pisces energy in the mix. Venus in Pisces conjuncts Saturn at 12°27’ on March 21st, and sextiles (60° aspect) Jupiter and Uranus at 15°49’ and 20°38’ Taurus the last week of March. Creative visualization can be a powerful tool now. In January, I wrote about the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in late April. Sudden doors may open, opportunities to take chances are possible, and some may receive a windfall, a creative burst of artistic energy or unexpected moments of genius or insight. Now, in March, they are less than five degrees apart. Pisces as a sign creates a mood for letting go, using our imagination and our dreams to set the stage for April’s big conjunction. “Whenever your airplane happens to land!” Aries Sun says take charge and be brave.
Eclipse season starts with a penumbral lunar eclipse, a Full Moon in Libra, 5°07’at 12:00 am March 25th. It will be most visible just after midnight in Santa Cruz County. Eclipses can be a time of endings and new beginnings. Look to see where the eclipse falls in your own natal chart to see the potential area in life where things may shift for you. The south and north nodes of the Moon are in Libra and Aries now, suggesting this is a time for the playing out of karmic ties in personal relationship. Libra is a relational sign, often about how we negotiate and create balance with another. What is the dance you do with others? And how might it be changing and growing in new directions? “Maybe I'll be back here too…It all depends on, what's with you.” Remember you too have a right to take up space. It is a balance of two.