Cara Evolutionary Astrology

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A Full Moon Firing Squad!!!! Cancer and Capricorn in January 2020

Wishing everyone the best this FULL MOON in CANCER during the penumbral eclipse, January 10th, 11:21 AM PST. The eclipse will not be visible here in California. But this lunar time carries a lot of potential punch astrologically. It all depends upon where this particular area of the sky plays out in your own birth chart.

A Cancer Full Moon, in general, can be a sensitive, emotional time, a time to turn inward, heal, protect and nourish ourselves and our family; a good time to send healing thoughts to our Nation, to our world. Memories of what brought comfort or pain from years past can arise, allowing us to remember, so we can feel through the emotions, to restore or to release.

Somewhere in your life you have been wrestling with either a blockage or a necessity to work hard to mature, to grow through, and to transform into something new. Some people feel this quite strongly now if they have planets, Sun or Moon, or important degrees in their chart at 18-24˚, especially in the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Look to see where the current Saturn and Pluto conjunction, at 22˚Capricorn, falls in your birth chart for guidance.

At this Full Moon, things may become particularly challenging. Try to ride with compassion, try to greet others with kindness and a spirit of patience and understanding, rather than falling into the possibly whiny or needy, side of a Cancer Moon. Try to support others, because remember they may need it too. Pluto can bring power struggles.

Some structures, some ideas, somethings need to come forward and die now in order to build anew. What makes this Full Moon emotionally volatile is the lineup of planets accompanying the Sun at this moment in time. While the Moon is in Cancer, the Sun is in Capricorn, along with Mercury (perceptions, ideas, communication), Ceres (what nurtures us and how we nurture others, mother child bonds, loss and grief), Saturn and Pluto, all tightly together, lined up like a cosmic firing squad –Mercury, Sun and Moon act as potential “triggers,” faster moving bodies, align briefly, pushing the longer, slower Saturn and Pluto transformations, which have been in play since before the Holidays.

Why not take some time and find the Saturn / Pluto conjunction in your own birth chart and consciously try to address it?

Where is your soul work calling? Synchronicity will make it play out. Better you try to claim it, rather than let the universe claim you…

Maybe making them conscious will make us stronger, make us better players in the larger scheme of things.

Eclipses, of course, are common phenomenon. Astrologers seem to disagree as to the impact of different kinds of eclipses – some choosing only to place emphasis upon total eclipses. But I think this eclipse is worthy of note, even if it creates only a subtle, shadowy effect upon the Moon, simply because of the synchronistic alignment with such a powerhouse in Capricorn. Eclipses can have lasting influence in the months ahead.

The sign of Cancer, with its natural tendency to protect family and clan, can lend itself to patriotic fervor and a desire to withdrawal into national – and personal - boundaries. Meanwhile, Saturn and Pluto come together in the sky roughly three times a century; the last time it happened in Capricorn was in the early 16th century during the Protestant Reformation, a notable time of societal change, a paradigm shift. Let’s pray for PEACE and do what we can to discourage war. Capricorn, as a sign, is associated with political structures and government, among many things. Let’s work hard (Saturn) to truly make the slate clean and to build again (Pluto) ourselves and our Nation, so to make a new world less concerned with “us” and “them,” boundaries and walls, and more concerned with a living, breathing, beautiful planet.

Hope you have a good Full Moon meditation!